What is a Leitmotif — 4 Ways to Tell a Story With Film Music

What is a Leitmotif — 4 Ways to Tell a Story With Film Music

8 Benefits of Watching Good Movies

You can enjoy a lot of benefits if you watch movies. After all, there is a reason why the entertainment industry is earning billions of dollars of revenue each year. All this is because of the benefits offered by movies.

Priyanka Chopra Strikes Out in Hollywood

Star from India in America The Mumbai film industry is second only to Hollywood, but despite churning out the largest number of films in the world, hardly any Indian actress makes it big in the US entertainment industry. There is no doubt that the US entertainment industry is the richest and best paying in the world and hence it is natural for anyone to try and succeed. After decades, one actress, Priyanka Chopra has been a success and it is a tribute not only to her hard work, but also her beauty and tanned body.

10 Inspirational Mr. Rogers Quotes Baby Boomers Will Love

In honor of the new movie, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?,” here are 10 quotes that are sure to brighten your day and encourage you to be kinder and more thoughtful.

“A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” Movie Review

Those of us over fifty grew up watching Mr. Rogers. Today’s children are not growing up with local television shows they get to know personally but they are missing out on what was once a legacy impressed on the hearts of the community of those it touched. Fred Rogers was one of those who played a part.

5 Horror Films That Changed Bollywood Horror

A simple list of the top five Bollywood horror films that changed the perspective of audiences towards Bollywood horror. The films are from various directors through five decades of Bollywood films.