5 Reasons People Love Watching Movies
If you are wondering what makes people fall in love movies, you are on the right page. Most of us adore movies and wait for our favorite titles to release as soon as possible. We don’t watch them just because of the storyline.
Things I Learned on TV and the Movies
Silly stuff that movies and TV do all the time that we rarely notice. For example: When defusing a bomb or other explosive device, and there are five minutes on the timer, go ahead and have a conversation with someone else. Wait until the timer gets down to 2 or 3 seconds before cutting that last wire.
Gehrayee: The Bollywood Horror Movie Marred by Controversy
Gehrayee is a Bollywood horror movie released in 1980. It’s very different from the campy and over the top horror movies that released post-1980.
Mahal: Not the Bollywood Horror Reincarnation Movie You Think
Mahal, released in 1949, is one of the first Bollywood horror movies. Here’s a simple look back at the movie.
Back To Back Star Tragedies: Rishi Kapoor Dies in Mumbai
Two of the biggest celebrity deaths in India in two days; this is as unprecedented as perhaps the times we are going through. Before the boxed-up and suffocated film fraternity and the larger film lovers had time to recover from one the other cruel blow was applied immediately. Is this the impact of the COVID times?…